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Introduction of common metal spinning materials and comparison of spinning performance

Опубликован в 03. 05, 2020

Commonly used CNC spinning metal materials


Many metal materials can be used for CNC spinning, such as aluminum, iron, copper, stainless steel, titanium, molybdenum, etc. We choose metal discs and metal tubes as the raw materials for spinning. The wafers are generally cut by laser cutting of gauge plates. There are hot-rolled and cold-rolled gauge plates. The hardness of cold-rolled plates is higher than that of hot-rolled plates. Before rolling, there will be tiny pores inside, which will easily cause cracking during spinning. Tube materials include extruded tubes and welded tubes, both of which can be used as spinning blanks. The accuracy of extruded tubes after spinning is higher than that of welded tubes. We need to understand the material properties of different spinning metals. The spinning properties of different materials are described below.

Introduction of common metal spinning materials and comparison of spinning performance

By comparing the above spinning materials, we find that the spinning performance of aluminum, copper, and iron is better than that of stainless steel, titanium, and brass, mainly because their ductility is better. All materials are cold spinning. During the process, work hardening and grain refinement will occur, and the strength of the natural color will be much better than other processes under the same wall thickness after spinning. The greater the material's resilience will reduce the accuracy of the material after molding. The lower the hardness of the material, the better the surface quality after spinning.


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