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Regular inspection and maintenance of CNC lathe

Pulished on Aug. 30, 2023

Every mechanical equipment can not avoid regular inspection and maintenance, for CNC lathes, the same is true. It is necessary to some parts of CNC lathes for appropriate adjustment and maintenance and restore CNC lathe to its normal state.

1.Before CNC lathe is restarted, it is necessary to manually preheat various circuit boards of machine tool, and you can also choose an electric hair dryer to heat each circuit board for a few minutes, as long as there is a little temperature.

2. Replace the battery of the machine tool system regularly and desiccant for electrical cabinet, especially if the lathe need to be shutted down for a long time, we must not forget this step.

3. Check hydraulic oil pressure, hydraulic pressure and hydraulic impurities regularly to ensure the smooth flow of oil circuit.

4. Lubricate or clean components with spring regularly such as switch, tool arm spring, hydraulic valve spring, etc.

5. Check the hydraulic system fan regularly, if the fan is contaminated with too much oil, it needs to be cleaned or replaced in time, and the use time exceeds 3a must be replaced.

6. Clean the oil regularly, according to specific situation of drive equipment contaminated with oil,  

7.For use of a long time of machine tools, if it is holiday period, you should try not to shut down, you can snap emergency stop.

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