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What should be paid attention to when using turret CNC lathe machine in summer?

Pulished on Aug. 08, 2023

What should be paid attention to when using turret CNC lathe machine in summer?

Summer is peak season for use of CNC turret lathe machines. Due to rising temperature and humidity, working environment of machines has become more severe. Therefore, when using CNC turret lathe machine, you need to pay attention to the following points:

First of all, keep machine clean. Summer is the season when dust and dirt accumulate more, and these dirt will affect normal operation of machine. Regularly clean shell and internal parts of machine to ensure that it is well ventilated to prevent dust and dirt from entering the inside of machine.

Secondly, we should pay attention to cooling of turret lathe machine. In summer, temperature is high, and long-term operation of  machine is prone to overheating, which affects normal operation of  machine. Therefore, when using the CNC turret lathe machine, ensure that ventilation around machine is good, and avoid the machine being exposed to high temperature for a long time.

In addition, pay attention to lubrication of turret lathe machine. When temperature is high in summer, lubricant of machine will evaporate faster, resulting in increased friction between machine parts, thus affecting accuracy and life of machine. Therefore, before using the lathe , it is necessary to check  working condition of lubrication system to ensure that it is sufficient, and to perform regular maintenance according to specified lubrication cycle.

In short, the use of CNC turret lathe machines in summer requires attention to cleaning, cooling, lubrication, safety and maintenance of machine. Only by doing this can we ensure the normal operation of the machine, improve work efficiency and ensure product quality.

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